Message from the General Manager

With strong government supporting in biomedical industry, Taiwan's CRO market size is getting larger and larger during the past decade and will continually increase in the next several years. More than 20 advanced medical centers with a lot of well-trained investigators and big patient pools are concentrated in several big cities of Taiwan. Also, more and more regional and global clinical trials have been or will be conducted in Taiwan. For above reasons, most of the international or Asia regional CROs establish their branches or subsidiaries in Taiwan. We expect A2 Healthcare Taiwan Corporation, a subsidiary of A2 Healthcare, to be a high quality CRO in Taiwan. Our aim is to support A2 Healthcare headquarters conducting Asia multi-national clinical studies and provide a professional and budget solution for local pharmaceutical or bio-tech companies when conducting clinical studies.
Qualified manpower shortage is a common difficulty for all CROs located in Taiwan. In order to achieve successful CRO business, to attract and keep qualified staffs in company is the most important issue other than conducting clinical studies itself. So, besides to the first company mission of A2 Healthcare Taiwan Corporation, i.e. to provide friendly, professional, budget and efficient services for all kinds of clients with clinical study requirements, the second mission of A2 Healthcare Taiwan Corporation is to create happy and warm working environment under reasonable work loading for all staffs with passion on clinical studies such that, A2 Healthcare Taiwan Corporation can have a group of happy staffs to provide friendly and professional clinical study services for clients in Taiwan. Welcome all pharmaceutical or bio-tech companies with clinical research requirements to contact us for a professional and budget solution, and become our partners for your studies. Welcome all clinical research professionals or people who are hot on clinical research to join us to provide friendly and professional services to our business partners.