Corporate Philosophy

All efforts for patients, All professional works for clients.
企業理念 Corporate Philosophy
企業願景 Corporate Vision

A2 Healthcare Taiwan Corporation, a professional service provider in the life science industry, believes that our ceaseless commitment contributes to the progress and development of medical and pharmaceutical fields, the improvement of people’s QOL, and also that it leads to our own growth and happiness.
A2 Healthcare Taiwan Corporation pursues to be the CRO that can reach the goal fastest working together with clients toward the shared destinations. We aspire to be the front-runner with high reliability, high quality and high degree of professionalism in the life cycle management field including clinical trial and application approval of pharmaceutical products, medical devices and regenerative medicine. We continue to be committed to solidify our position of clients’ true partner.
Furthermore, A2 Healthcare Taiwan Corporation considers that human resources are the linchpin of our services. We continue to thrive as the group of forward-thinking professionals with comprehensive knowledge on life-science. We strive for developing many diverse professionals who have profound expertise, a wide range of experience and also, those who are capable of successfully integrating such versatile experts to build up the collective strengths as an organization. With these excellent employees, A2 Healthcare Taiwan Corporation flexibly and actively contributes to the extensive and multidisciplinary medical and pharmaceutical evolution toward the future.